Books & Audio
No More Slaves!: A Resource Guide for Engaging and Empowering Young Jews To Help End Human Trafficking by 2030
Legacy for Life: The Wisdom and Example of Rabbi Jehiel Orenstein
Gratitude: Receiving Blessings and Giving Thanks as a Spiritual Practice
(double album)
by Rabbi Debra Orenstein
Transformation Now:
Finding the Urgency and Patience We Need to Truly Change
by Rabbi Debra Orenstein
Awe Always: Cultivating Reverence for God, Life and the Spiritual Work Before Us
by Rabbi Debra Orenstein
Compassion Constantly: Keeping Lovingkindness and God’s Grace in the Foreground
by Rabbi Debra Orenstein
Rabbi Debra's
Debra currently has four books available. The Lifecycles series is available for sale here or wherever books are sold. An earlier work, From Generation to Generation, is available exclusively here at
(We offer free shipping for all purchases on our website.)

,Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi is fortunate to offer exclusive teaching CDs from Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi of blessed memory, the eminent founder of the Jewish renewal movement. Reb Zalman joined Rabbi Debra to co-officiate at High Holidays for fourteen years. Recorded live at those services, these recordings allow you to take and keep Reb Zalman with you in your office, car, or home. Click on the CDs to purchase. These recordings are also available for download.
Source Texts
The following texts are referred to on Rabbi Debra or Reb Zalman audio CDs. These texts were supplied to their live audiences, and now to you, here. Though best elucidated on the CDs, these texts will be of interest to anyone exploring the meaning and practice of repentance and prayer.
Texts on Teshuvah (Repentance)
A creative translation of Adirey Ayumah