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Day 1 - The Fullness & Bounty of Awe

Awe is rich and complex, encompassing wonder and delight, fear and trembling. Swept up in a moment of awe, we feel connected to – and humbled by – what is Vast, Transcendent, and Infinite. Awe can be triggered by a remarkable setting or circumstance – visiting the Grand Canyon or witnessing a birth – and by simple, everyday scenes and experiences.

Today, fill yourself with awe by recalling and savoring awe-inspiring experiences from the last year (the Jewish year 5781). Mentally scan each month, touching on key activities and relationships and the places you have been. (If it helps, review your calendar.) Whether you experienced something powerful at the time, or are only now, looking back, noticing what was awesome, take some notes on highlights of awe from the last year.

By recalling and recording these memories, you are not only harvesting the awe of last year, you are planting seeds for more awe in the coming year.

"דְּלָתֶיךָ דָּפַקְנוּ רַחוּם וְחַנּוּן. נָא אַל־תְּשִׁיבֵנוּ רֵיקָם מִלְּפָנֶיךָ."

"We knock at Your door, Merciful and Gracious One. Please do not turn us away empty-handed from Your Presence."

- Selichot Prayer



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