Sometimes, many people and things that you love come together. One of my happiest childhood memories is of sitting in the audience for the big kids' presentation of Peter Pan in Hebrew and waiting for the curtain to open on my 11-year-old sister's debut as Wendy, while eating a grape-flavored lollipop. A theater- (and candy- and Hebrew- and sister-) lover from way back, I recall thinking, "Life doesn't get better than this." I was right!
Tomorrow, Thursday, June 3, from 12:30 to 1 eastern time, several loves of mine will come together, and the convergence will be even sweeter if you can join me.
The Institute for Jewish Spirituality (IJS), where I did a two-year training for rabbis in Jewish meditation, has invited me to present a teaching and guided meditation tomorrow (Thursday) from 12:30 to 1 pm eastern time, and I have chosen the subject “Cultivating Awe Through Spiritual Right-Sizing.” In other words, a wonderful organization for which I have nothing but fondness has asked me to help connect all of us to soul, God, and one another. Given the freedom to teach about anything, I focused on this week's Torah portion and my current favorite topic from the world of Positive Psychology, Awe. People of all backgrounds are invited, free of charge. I love it all!
Sign up to get the Zoom link for tomorrow’s session on Cultivating Awe Through Spiritual Right-Sizing by filling out a brief Join Daily Meditations form. Just click here, on this link.
I hope that you will be able to join live and participate in the conversation. Knowing IJS and its regular participants, I expect that the energy and discussion will be truly awesome - pun intended.
I hope, too, that my invitation will remind you of a time when things and people that you love have come together - whether at a life cycle event, holiday, Torah study, or any other occasion. Those times are worth recalling, savoring, and, sometimes, deliberately orchestrating.
I look forward to connecting with you soon - whether on Zoom tomorrow at 12:30 eastern, for a new, online class that I am now planning, or in your community or my own.
With love and blessings,
Rabbi Debra