In "Transformation: How the Pandemic Birthed an Awakening for Many Americans,” the New York Times included quotes like these from ordinary Americans:
“I care much more about being with people who make me feel whole now. The pandemic scraped away all facades we've built around our lives." - Eleene C., Washington, MO;
“I don't skip walks with my husband just because I am tired.” - Rebecca V., Herndon, VA.
In preparation for the High Holidays, I have asked members of my congregation to send me their #PandemicWisdom in 1-4 sentences. Here are three of the gems that I have received:
"My partner and I really enjoy each other's company!"
"Less FOMO and more enjoying what is around us, especially the outdoors."
"I, along with so many other people, have spent the past 18 months vacillating between gratitude and anxiety on an hourly basis. Through all the uncertainty, the strong connections I have with my family, friends, and our community helped me keep my sanity. The pandemic forced me to stop and truly take measure of all the blessings I have in my life. I've tried to 'pay it forward' by reaching out, and doing my best to support others.
Now it's your turn! Please reply below with/ share your own Pandemic Wisdom. In ways large or small, serious or humorous, how has the last year reshaped your approach to the next year? at did you learn? What decisions did you make? What new clarity or wisdom can you offer to others?